Year-end gift for Greatest Needs

Your support will help Lowell start 2022 strong!

For most of 2021, Lowell Observatory was only able to offer private and limited-sized tours. This meant a huge drop in revenue from admissions and gift shop sales.

Here is a look at visitation numbers over the past three years:

  • 2019:   103,831 General admission visitors
  • 2020:   19,336 General admission visitors January-March, followed by  limited sized groups
  • 2021:   20,637 limited-sized groups (January through October)

With your year-end gift, Lowell educators will blow visitors’ minds with the wonders of the Universe.

Don’t forget to make your donation before midnight, December 31.


Yes, I want to make a year-end gift to Lowell’s greatest needs!

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