Press & Media
Source for members of the news media and commercial filming & photography entities
Our scientists and educators are recognized leaders in their fields and happy to serve as sources of information. We welcome requests to interview our staff, tour our facilities, and otherwise document the modern and historic research–as well as education– activities at Lowell. This includes members of the news media; other print, broadcast, and Internet media representatives; and commercial filming and photography entities.
We evaluate requests on a case-by-case basis. While the observatory, in general, welcomes film crews and commercial photographers, access will be denied if, in the judgment of the observatory administration, the planned use of the images or footage to be acquired is not in keeping with the observatory’s mission or the proposed filming/photography would adversely impact the observatory’s regular operations.
All media requests–including by news outlets–must be coordinated in advance to ensure appropriate staff and/or facilities are available, as well as to ensure the activity does not interfere with regular observatory operations. Except for news requests, fees apply.
Media Assets
Here you will find resources such as logos, images, and basic information about the observatory, as well as our access policy, production rules and guidelines, fee structure, and more.
Low-resolution digital versions of our logo are available in a number of different formats. For high-resolution version, or questions about general use as well as color standards, contact Sarah Gilbert.
Download Files
Lowell Observatory provides access to television and film crews and to commercial photographers in instances when those activities, in the Observatory’s judgment, are in keeping with the institution’s mission. For filming inquiries, contact Kevin Schindler.
We generate press releases to announce important research results, educational activities, and other important activities at the observatory.
Lowell Observatory generates an annual report each year and makes this available to all interested parties. This report covers activity of each department at the observatory, as well as each scientist’s research accomplishments for the year, and is an excellent reference for understanding observatory operations. See our past annual reports.
Access the LMI image gallery and dive into our original Youtube video content by visiting our Image & Video Gallery.
Media & Commercial Filming Request
All media requests—including by news outlets—must be coordinated in advance to ensure appropriate staff and/or facilities are available, as well as to ensure the activity does not interfere with regular observatory operations. Except for news requests, fees apply.