How to View the Super Flower Moon


By Madison Mooney You know what they say—April meteor showers bring May Super Flower Moons (at least, that’s what we say)! In the early morning hours of Thursday, May 7, […]

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How to View the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower


Photo: An Eta Aquarid meteor streaks over northern Georgia on 29 April 2012. Image Credit: NASA/MSFC/B. Cooke By Madison Mooney The Eta Aquarid (also spelled Eta Aquariid) meteor shower is […]

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How to Observe the Lyrid Meteor Shower


By Madison Mooney The Lyrid meteor shower peaks on the night of April 21 and the wee hours of April 22. What is the Lyrid Meteor Shower? A meteor is […]

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How to Observe the Super Pink Moon


By Madison Mooney The biggest supermoon of 2020, known as a Super Pink Moon, will occur on April 7. However, the “super” and “pink” features of this particular Moon will […]

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How to Observe the Conjunction of Venus and the Pleiades


  By Madison Mooney On April 2, 3, and 4, the planet Venus will pass very close by the Pleiades (M45), a beautiful star cluster often referred to as “the […]

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Celebrating the 2020 Spring Equinox


By Madison Mooney What is an equinox? An equinox is the moment at which which the sun crosses directly over the celestial equator, an imaginary projection of the earth’s equator […]

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