Photo: A captured stack image of Perseid meteor trails. Credit: Global Meteor Network The Perseids Meteor Shower! |
The passing of July to August signals the arrival of one of the most prominent and reliable meteor showers, the Perseids. It has wowed observers for centuries and inspired many to capture their awe in writing, from the Chinese observer who in 36 AD made the first written record of this annual sky show, to the 1970s singer Henry Deutschendorf. “The Perseids are one of the best meteor showers of the year,” says planetary astronomer Dr. Nick Moskovitz of Lowell Observatory. “For best viewing, find a dark site, away from any lights. At the peak, you may see up to 100 meteors per hour. The peak of the shower will be after midnight on August 13, but any of the days before or after that should be good as well.” During the August 12-13 peak of the Perseids Meteor Shower, the Moon will be 10% full. That will provide excellent viewing conditions. Guests are invited to visit Lowell Observatory to learn more about meteor showers and view the Perseids in the pristine International Dark Skies above Flagstaff, AZ. |