A Lyrids meteor, captured with Lowell Observatory's All-Sky Meteor Surveillance cameras (LO-CAMS).
On the evening of August 11, Lowell Observatory will present a free interactive livestream program about the Perseid Meteor Shower.
Beginning at 9:00 p.m. AZ/PDT (12:00 a.m. EDT), Lowell Observatory Astronomer Dr. Nick Moskovitz and Research Assistant Megan Gialluca will use the All-Sky Camera at the Lowell Discovery Telescope to hunt for meteors and talk about the origin of the Perseids and how to observe them. Mike Hankey of the American Meteor Society will join the discussion.
The Perseids are one of the more prolific meteor showers, with a typical peak rate of 50-75 meteors per hour. The shower results from fragments of Comet Swift-Tuttle burning up in Earth’s atmosphere.
For more information about the Perseid Meteor Shower, see https://lowell.edu/the-perseid-meteor-shower/
To participate in the Perseids livestream, click below!