The Native American Astronomy Outreach Program (NAAOP)
Support for Cultural Advisory Board

Your gift will launch a Cultural Advisory Board for NAAOP this spring!


Our goal is to infuse STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities with traditional beliefs and language that reflect the cultures of the students participating in the Native American Astronomy Outreach Program.


Gifts received before March 31 will be doubled (up to $5,000) with a matching challenge from a generous donor.


Support from donors like you will launch the new Advisory Board with Navajo, Hopi, Apache, and Tewa representatives who will improve lessons in the following ways:

  • Teach and reinforce native language for concepts in Physics and Astronomy lessons.
  • Share traditional stories about the night sky and provide the social context for when stories can be told (e.g. some stories can only be told in the winter).
  • Analyze STEM curriculum and enhance lessons with cultural knowledge and beliefs.

Your gift will inspire Native American students with the wonders of the Universe and help them retain Native language and culture.

NAAOP participant presenting a poster at Lowell Observatory


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