Help Preserve Lowell’s History

Yes, I want easy access online to Lowell Observatory’s historic images.


Help us reach our goal of uploading 9,000+ images into ArchivEra with the help of a paid intern.

Your gift is needed now, to recruit a student who will be ready to begin in January 2024.

With your support, the team in the Putnam Collection Center will have the help they need to preserve 129 years of Lowell’s history and provide access online.

And, your gift received before Oct. 31 will be matched by a group of donors like you who want to preserve the history of Astronomy.


BBDonorFormLoader.newBlackbaudDonationFormZoned(‘renxt’, ‘p-ySvh9qno1EKgFKPXgx7PWw’, ’93d218dc-bbc9-4b8d-9f4c-a1697fc2f35f’, ‘usa’)