The Millennium Fund


Leslie Currie


(928) 255-5047

Support Priority Projects

The Millennium Fund was created by the Executive Committee of the Lowell Observatory Advisory Board in 2000 to provide funds for the observatory’s ever-changing needs, as identified by the observatory’s director. A portion of the investment earnings are used each year to support new operational or strategic initiatives defined by the director and approved by the Advisory Board’s Executive Committee. The Millennium Fund is managed by the Lowell Observatory Foundation, which treats it like an endowed fund.

Millennium Fund dollars have supported a wide range of needs at the observatory, including:

  • New instrumentation for research and public outreach
  • Redesigning and outfitting of the Lowell Discovery Telescope control room
  • Historical preservation
  • Landscaping and maintenance of observatory grounds

Give to the Millennium Fund

If you would like to donate to the Millennium Fund, please contact Stephen Riggs, Development Manager.

Programs to Support

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