Shih-Yun Tang

Stellar Astronomy MS National Central University (Taiwan), 2019 Shih-Yun Tang is a graduate student from Taiwan studying at the Northern Arizona University (NAU) and working with Dr. Lisa Prato at […]

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Allison Bair

Planetary Science MS Northern Arizona University, 2004 Allison Bair assists astronomer Dr. David Schleicher with his research on the origins and evolution of comets, with a primary focus on analyzing […]

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Dr. Will Grundy

Planetary Science PhD University of Arizona, 1995 Dr. Grundy does spectroscopic, thermal, and imaging observations of outer Solar System bodies using numerous large ground- and space-based telescopes including Hubble, Keck, […]

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Dr. Stephen Levine

Dynamics/Astrometry PhD University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1992 Dr. Levine joined Lowell Observatory’s science staff in 2010. He moved to Lowell from the US Naval Observatory’s Flagstaff Station to lead […]

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Dr. Phil Massey

Stellar Astronomy PhD University of Colorado,, 1980 Dr. Massey joined the Lowell staff in September 2000, coming from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO), where (among other things) he was […]

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Dr. Nick Moskovitz

Planetary Astronomy PhD University of Hawaii, 2009 Dr. Moskovitz joined Lowell Observatory’s science staff in 2014. He and his collaborators are pursing a number of projects that include understanding the link between asteroids and meteorites, characterizing the properties of […]

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Dr. Michael West

Extragalactic Astronomy PhD Yale University, 1987 Dr. West joined Lowell Observatory’s science team in 2015. Prior to joining Lowell, he served as Director of the Maria Mitchell Observatory, Head […]

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Dr. Lisa Prato

Stellar Astronomy/Exoplanets PhD State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1998 After leaving Stony Brook in 1998, Dr. Prato held two post-doctoral fellowships at the University of California, Los […]

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Dr. Nat White (Emeritus)

Planetary Science PhD Cornell University, 1973 Dr. Nat White’s major research interests include the measurement of stellar properties using lunar occultations and the development of astronomical instrumentation, high-angular-resolution astronomy. Until […]

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Dr. Kyler Kuehn

Cosmology PhD University of California, Irvine, 2007   Dr, Kyler Kuehn oversees management of Lowell Observatory’s science telescopes and related equipment while actively pursuing both observational and instrumentation research. […]

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Dr. Joe Llama

Exoplanets / Stellar Astronomy PhD University of St. Andrews, 2014 Dr. Llama joined Lowell Observatory’s science staff in 2014. His research interests are in exoplanets and stellar astrophysics. In particular, […]

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Dr. Jennifer Hanley

Planetary Science PhD University of Arkansas, 2013 Dr. Hanley joined Lowell Observtory’s science staff in 2015. She works in collaboration with the Astrophysical Materials Laboratory at Northern Arizona University to […]

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